
The Board of Trustees of the International Academic and Management Association has agreed to allow the setting up of the organization’s Chapters across countries with the objective of increasing the global reach of the organization as well as ensuring that the maximum number of institutions, academicians and students can benefit from the service offerings of IAMA.

Each Chapter of IAMA will have a separate constitution comprising of a Board with representation from the Academia, the Corporate as well as the Student Community. The Board of the Chapter shall have no more than 8 members with a maximum tenure of 3 years. In specific cases, the tenure may be extended by an additional period of 3 years. The Board members shall comprise of a Chairman, a Secretary General and a Treasurer who shall be elected mutually by all the Board Members

Each IAMA Chapter shall be permitted to use the IAMA logo with the respective country / state / city name below it and shall be referred to by the same name. For example, an IAMA Chapter in Nigeria would be referred to as IAMA Nigeria and if we have a SubChapter in Nigeria in the state of Kano, it would be referred to as IAMA Nigeria (Kano). The logo with the name of the country and/or state shall have to be approved by the IAMA Headquarters in writing

The Board shall meet once a month, the day being the first Saturday of every month. The meetings shall cover the details of the activities planned and conducted over the period of the month as well as activities planned for the coming month. A statement of accounts shall also be presented by the Treasurer to the entire Board. The meeting shall be conducted and coordinated by the Secretary General. A copy of the Minutes of the Meeting and the Monthly Statement of Accounts shall be sent to the IAMA Headquarters

Each Chapter shall be constituted as per the law of the country concerned and shall seek necessary permission from the government authorities as mandated by the statute. A Chapter within a given country may have Sub-Chapters (local or regional) if necessary

Each Chapter and Sub-Chapter shall operate a separate bank account with the joint signatories being either of the two from amongst the Treasurer, the General Secretary and Chairman

The Chapter established within any country shall operate for the larger benefit of the local population including educational institutions, the academia, the student community and the corporate sector.