The International Academic and Management Association (IAMA) offer a variety of services to its partner and non-partner institutions, academic bodies, non-governmental agencies as well as the government and government agencies. The Service Charter is inclusive and dynamic in nature and is updated from time to time

Some of the services offered by IAMA include:

  • Assistance with National and International Accreditation of academic institutions including preparatory workshops, mock audits and assistance with the documentation process
  • Conducting on-site and off-site training programs for the academic and non-academic staff of educational institutions and agencies (governmental and non-governmental)
  • Assisting institutions as well as governmental and non-governmental agencies design the academic quality framework including processes and policies for both internal and external audit
  • Assisting educational institutions with curriculum development and designing
  • Assisting the doctoral and post-doctoral students as well as the faculty members at the educational institutions with their research paper and thesis writing. The assistance includes workshops on various aspects of research and paper writing, connecting with prospective research guides, connecting with co-authors for paper and book/chapter writing and connecting with co-presenters at national and international seminars and conferences
  • Assisting educational institutions and doctoral and post doctoral students with research and other grants
  • Helping institutions set-up incubation centers and centers of excellence (with corporate partnership) at their campus
  • Helping institutions expand their global footprints by means of institutional collaborations, off-shore campuses, pathway programs, credit transfers etc
  • Assisting institutions with digital transformation of education by means of deployment of new age technologies in academic delivery including Learning Management System (LMS) and Metaverse (AR/VR)
  • Assistance in setting up and launching high school programs on both on-line and off-line mode with international certification, using proprietary and licenced framework and curriculum
  • Collaborating with educational institutions as well as governmental and non-governmental agencies for organizing national and international conferences, workshops and seminars as well as providing access to the staff of partner institutions at similar events globally
  • Helping partner and non-partner educational institutions with their staffing needs, both academic and non-academic
  • Assisting educational institutions with visiting professors, guest lecturers, etc on a need basis
  • Helping educational institutions in developing corporate mentorship programs for their students
  • Representing Educational Institutions at Global Platforms including Seminars, Conferences, education fairs, etc
  • Assisting educational institutions set-up offshore liaison offices, recruitment centers as well as learning centers
  • Assisting students of partner institutions opting for credit transfer, pathway, lateral entry etc with scholarships
  • Assistance in organizing student and faculty exchange programs with IAMA partner institution globally
  • Assisting educational institutions with on-shore and off-shore student recruitment
  • Assisting educational institutions with on-shore and off-shore internship and placements of their students

    Please note:
    • Some of the mentioned services are exclusively for member institutions only
    • Some of the mentioned services are paid in nature. A differential fee, though, shall apply for member and non-member institutions
    • Some of the mentioned services may not be available in some countries. Please confirm for details